Our National Jodo team did very good at the EJC this year.
- Team Silver (Kim Croes, Pramit Basu, Karen Vermeulen, Marjan De Block)
- Nidan Bronze (Kim Croes)

And we have 2 new Rokudan
- Marjan De block
- Jonathan Vandenbussche

Dear kenshi
Registrations for the ABKF Winter Seminar are now open! More information on https://www.abkfevents.be/seminar/winter2024.
This year marks the 34th year that Hirakawa sensei is coming, as well as his final year! This year ABKF offers you once more a high number of high-grade Japanese as well as Korean sensei!
As we expect many participants, the kendo reservations are limited to 100 people maximum per day. Once we reach these numbers, registrations for Kendo keiko will be closed! To keep this fair for everyone, people who have not paid their registration fee upfront by the deadline will automatically be removed from the registrations.
Deadline for registrations & payment: 1st December 2024!
For inquiries, please contact secretary@abkf.be.
Download the BKTC Booklet here: https://www.abkfevents.be/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/BKTC-2024_merged.pdf
BKTC-2024_mergedTo support our National Iaido / Jodo Teams journeys to the European Championships in the Northern countries, we are selling Keychains and packages of Chocolates and Beers.
Would you like to support us ? Feel free to fill in the form so that we can help you further
Click here to know more => Support Form Link <=
Goods will be available for buying during National Events 🙂
Always check the Calendar: https://www.abkfevents.be/calendar/
The 25th Belgian Iaido Championships 2024 took place this Sunday 19 May 2024 in Louvain-La-Neuve. Congratulations to all the competitors and thank you for the great job of the referees and the organising staff of the Brussels Yaegaki-kai Dojo.
KYUSHA 1. Van Costenoble Gerrit (Agehachô) 2. Maes Ayumi (Agehachô) 3. Ramaekers Gilles (Butokukan) 3. Alaerts Robin (Brussels Yaegaki-Kai) F.S. Deboeuf Jordan (Shoshinkan) | SHODAN 1. Bartels Jamie (Brussels Yaegaki-Kai) 2. Meert Ilias (Sasori Dojo) 3. Daems Joel (Mushinkan) 3. Carroué Claude (Butokukan) F.S. Daems Joel (Mushinkan) |
NIDAN 1. Vujadinovic Jana (Brussels Yaegaki-Kai) 2. Anseeuw Sander (Agehachô) 3. Demuynck Axel (Komyoukai) 3. Devis Véronique (Agatsukan) F.S. Le Tuan (Butokukan) | SANDAN 1. Basu Pramit (Kenhachi) 2. Bakoura Efthymia (Brussels Yaegaki-Kai) 3. Boujraf Soumaya (Butokukan) 3. Nguyen Khang (Butokukan) F.S. Begon Isabelle (Shoshinkan) |
YONDAN 1. Jovicic Milos (Brussels Yaegaki-Kai) 2. De Broyer Sébastien (TaikiKai) 3. Heungens Daan (Kendo Iaido Gent) 3. Bataillie Dimitri (Sasori) F.S. Quintart Guy (Shoshinkan) | GODAN 1. Croes Kim (Kenhachi) 2. Damoiseau David (Brussels Yaegaki-Kai) 3. Renesson Fabrice (Kendo Club Charleroi) 3. Hontoir Frédéric (Shoshinkan) F.S. Wauters Tom (Butokukan) |
French and Dutch versions are attached below.
Dutch version: https://www.abkfevents.be/oproep-voor-kandidaten-abkf-bestuur/
French version: https://www.abkfevents.be/appel-a-candidatures-abkf-fr/
**Call for Candidates: Committee and National Team Leadership Elections**
Dear Members
We are thrilled to announce the call for candidates for the upcoming elections of our committee and national team leadership. This is a chance for individuals who are keen on guiding our community and national teams towards a bright future. The term is from 3 years, as from July 2024 until July 2027.
**Available Steering Committee Positions:**
** Other **
To submit your candidacy, please reach out to your respective federation:
The deadline for candidacy submission is 10 June 2024.
**Available ABKF Committee Positions:**
If you have the ambition to participate and the dedication to serve, we encourage you to step forward. Your involvement is vital for our collective success and will help foster a spirit of collaboration and innovation.
To submit your candidacy, please reach out to the ABKF federation: secretary@abkf.be
The deadline for candidacy submission is 10 June 2024.
**Election Details:**
A detailed description of each position is available in the Rules of Incorporation (ROI), which can be accessed through this link ROI FR-NL.docx
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and witnessing the emergence of new members who will carry our legacy forward.
With anticipation,
ABKF Steering Committee
Registration has been closed and Pools drawn by lot for the forthcoming 19 May.
Thank you to the 14 participating Dojos and Competitors of this year’s 27th edition: Agatsukan, Agehachô, Brussels Yaegaki-Kai, Butokukan, Kendo Club Charleroi, Kenhachi, Kendo Iaido Jodo Gent, Koumyoukai, Mushinkai, Raito, Sasori dojo, Shidokan Libramont, ShoShinKan, Taikikai no dojo.
The BIC is more then ever an important yearly ABKF event. Inviting and Gathering all Iaido practitioners to live and share the experience of putting their technique to the pressure of stress, an additional way to train and a good preparation for gradings.
Schedule / Time Table of the day (estimate):
Reminder to all referees be there on time at start of competition whatever pool you are in.
Congratulations to the selected Referees: Demuynck P., Bruwier P., Simonini M., Defraeye L., Kanto Y., Carlier F., Van Alsenoy J., Vlad L., Pauwelyn N., Vaes N., Vandenbussche J., Hontoir F., Damoiseau D., Croes K., Renesson F., Bataille D., Quintard G., Le Sant D., Heugens D., Jovicic M.
All Grading candidates registered and payments in order.
Should you have any questions/remarks concerning the mentioned information, do not hesitate to contact: secretary@abkf.be
BIC 2024 Event Information here: https://www.abkfevents.be/seminars-events/bic/
This year edition is organised by Brussels Yaegaki-kai thank you to all Kakariin
Best Regards
On Sunday April 14th in Havré (Mons) we organised in cooperation with
BKR the annual Belgian Kendo Championships. Almost 100 yudansha took
part in three individual categories (Junior, Ladies & Men).
Congratulations to all winners and a big “Thank You” to all working
hands behind the tournament!
The results are available here : Results
You want to join the National Team? And/ or want more info about the European Championship? Come and join us for this training, the selections are held on the BIC.
You want to join the National Team? And/ or want more info about the European Championship?
Come and join us for this training, the selections are held on the BIC.
(Sunday) 09:00 - 12:00
Turnzaal De Dol-fijn
Bossemstraat 2
More info on: https://sites.google.com/view/sskb-openseminar2025/home
More info on: https://sites.google.com/view/sskb-openseminar2025/home
17 (Saturday) 09:00 - 18 (Sunday) 16:00
Centre Sportif Blocry
Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
This seminar will be led by Jean-Pierre LABRU (Nanadan Kyoshi and Director of the EKF Technical Committee) and given in the framework of his personal initiative named Kendo Vision.) Organized by
This seminar will be led by Jean-Pierre LABRU (Nanadan Kyoshi and Director of the EKF Technical Committee) and given in the framework of his personal initiative named Kendo Vision.)
Organized by I Shin Den Shin
Stade Gaston Reiff – Rue Ernest Laurent 215 – 1420 BRAINE L’ALLEUD
This event is not FREE (details later on)
21 (Saturday) 09:00 - 22 (Sunday) 17:00
Stade Gaston Reiff
Rue Ernest Laurent 215, 1420 Braine L’Alleud
Duo Taikai: Team composed of 2 people a Mudan/Shodan+Nidan/Sandan Organized by Kenhachi & Brussels Yaegaki-kai
Duo Taikai: Team composed of 2 people a Mudan/Shodan+Nidan/Sandan
Organized by Kenhachi & Brussels Yaegaki-kai
(Saturday) 09:30 - 18:00